“But This Odd Place”

There’s always some place where it’s cold or wet or dry or else at some point. One should not try to draw conclusions about global warming from either a single local region or local time, there is too much uncertainty. The term “global warming” needs to be taken at face value.


Snowstorm breaks 120-year-old record for most snow in October in the Okanagan region, British Columbia.

(Grand Solar)

In Antarctica, the satellite measurements suggest no tropospheric warming trend since 1979.


Objections and Replies

Antarctica. But Antarctica is getting cold
☞ Except in West Antarctica, perhaps. Did you know that Antarctica was tropical most of the times during the last 100 million years?

Arctic. The Arctic isnt reporting any unusually warm temperatures relative to the 2015
Yet Arctic land ice is melting, sea ice is decreasing, and permafrost is thawing. The overall trend

Death Valley. We should detect a rise in backradiation in Death
☞ Detecting a 0.5 °C rise in at least 5 °C of noise would be a remarkable accomplishment (Vaughan Pratt).

Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl proves that heat waves are 100% natural
Poor land use practices might not be 100% natural.

Everywhere. AGW should apply everywhere, including central Pacific
The “G” in “AGW” stands for Global, which means that the Earth’s average annual air temperature is rising, but not necessarily in every single location during all seasons across the globe (H/T MarkB).

Greenland. Don’s graph of Greenland shows that
☞ Don surely can be economical with the truth. Greenland was never that green. It could be interpreted as propaganda by Erik to convince Norse settlers to go hunt walrus, which was worth gold at the time.

St. Petersburg. Czars built castles in the middle of the Little Ice Age
The paradox can be solved by noting that aristocrats can be ostentatious.

Iceland. Iceland is colder now than any other time except in the 1800s

Oceans. Unless we explain how AGW warms the ocean
☞ Who died and made you the sammich requester in chief?


National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) – Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis

Active Ocean Acification Calculator.

EPA – Climate Change Indicators: Heat Waves

2014-05; The “Unstable” West Antarctica ice sheet: A Primer.

Further Readings

2019-03. The Expanding Footprint of Rapid Arctic Change. DOI: 10.1029/2018EF001088

Climateball Episodes

2010-01; Long-Term Arctic Ice Trends and Global Warming; a good outline of the tricks.

2019-03; Factcheck: What Greenland ice cores say about past and present climate change; good example of how contrarian networks peddle crap.